So, lets call a strike ...
I dunno if the Machiavelli in me, over reading this, but I do think that our current government have played entirely into the hands of the strikers. Whilst I am not a particular supporter of any strike, I do support anyone's right to do it, something to do with democracy. Here, on the suggestion of a strike, the government (well a single minister) declares that it will be wise to fill up with fuel. So, mass panic, something that makes me face palm at the actions of my nation. More disruptive than the strike itself. There is no strike, it has not been called, there is at least ten days between now and the strike, um, will your tank of fuel last that long. Learning from this, I wonder if the petrol haulers change tack and simply tell everyone once a month, that they are thinking of striking. Then once everyone starts to think that they are crying wolf, they then do it. Saves them considerable effort and is a more disruptive way of supporting their cause.