Is inspection reducing the quality of our education system ...
Listening to the news this morning and the announcement that Ofsted are now 'measuring' local education authorities and their provision of provision (yep that is a valid term). In spite of a world where they have considerably less influence than twenty or so years ago.
I could rant on about the political subterfuge taking place, I could also offer an opinion on the validity of inspections as a tool for quality.
Yet with this world of hitting teachers and schools with a stick, I cannot see anywhere that shows me how we measure the impact this culture is having on the quality of our nations education.
My question, one for teachers from all backgrounds ...
Are the overt measures making some subjects too risky? I hear of technical professional topics in my field being avoided, as the league table + inspection culture renders them toxic as educators are frightened of getting any result below 90% achievement.
In my mind, we are sinking down towards a vanilla world where the only subjects being delivered are cost safe, risk adverse and result positive products.
I could rant on about the political subterfuge taking place, I could also offer an opinion on the validity of inspections as a tool for quality.
Yet with this world of hitting teachers and schools with a stick, I cannot see anywhere that shows me how we measure the impact this culture is having on the quality of our nations education.
My question, one for teachers from all backgrounds ...
Is the quality culture of inspection quality measures, affecting the quality of what you teach?
Are the overt measures making some subjects too risky? I hear of technical professional topics in my field being avoided, as the league table + inspection culture renders them toxic as educators are frightened of getting any result below 90% achievement.
In my mind, we are sinking down towards a vanilla world where the only subjects being delivered are cost safe, risk adverse and result positive products.
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