c4000 @ConversationUK readers in December by process of osmosis ...

This is not a brag ... this is a thought for academics that are keen to have articles they write, both get out there and have some persistence. Following an opportune organisational statistics email - I could see that between an article I produced early in December and my total readership for that month. There as in the region of c4000 readers that could not be attributed to my Christmas lights WiFi debunking article.*

Once the articles I have written has done their time in the sunshine of early success. I reuse them either by:

  • Scheduling tweets via my teaching by twitter feeds - as some subjects are worth revisiting
  • Hosting articles on my blog - as this gets a modest hit rate per month.
  • Linking other written outputs to relevant articles
  • Linking articles to work I give students 

Of the above, the first I believe gains the greatest traction. The reality is that each day I am attracting more readers via different syndication and reuse channels. Some are naturally coming via alternate routes, web searches etc. Yet I can see on some article dashboards links to my blog or tweets that I have distributed (and in some cases seen others retweet).

By this form of academic osmosis, work I have long created continues to have a life. c4000 background hits in December is worth having fir any academic. May I commend anyone who writes on different blogs, academic news outlets to consider how they should reuse their content.

*Footnote - this article is not my top ranking, it attracted c132,000 readers.


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