The mindless zombiecrats are caught in their own gosub loop ...

If you are as old and geeky like I, you may know what a gosub loop is. Hailing from the BASIC programming language, gosub (or goto subroutine) could be used to call another set of code and if misapplied, used to continually (recursively) call the same code from outside and well as within itself.

In the half-dim world of the zombiecrat the gosub notion seems to become part of their mantra. Shuffling along mindlessly doomed to repeat themselves. Today I had to laugh as a frustrated colleague was explaining how a process (once easy to complete), now needed a form filled in to carry out the same process.

This was not the amusing part, amusing was when they shared that when a form was filled in to enable the process to be completed. They needed another form filled in to explain why the other form was being completed.

Even the fevered mind of Kafka, could not have dreamed such a pointless process.


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