The compliance visit ...
Often centres plough on regardless with their standards
verification, unaware that there is a hidden treat in store for centres that
are suspected of miscreant behaviour.
Over the last few weeks I have been involved in a couple of compliance
visits; where a senior verifier and investigator appear announced asking for
the chief executive.
The initial scurry of activity then morphs into a cascade of
emotion from top downwards, as everyone is suddenly flung into having to
respond to our requests for information, marking, verification, registrations
So, if you are at a centre thinking that you can pull the
wool over the eyes of a standards verifier. You may be correct; but out there
is an interesting array of triggers that encourage a compliance visit.
Be aware that ofqual themselves are a primary trigger, as
well as whistleblowers, unhappy parents, students, relatives and vexatious
souls. Your data may not ring true, a trend may be observed or regional quality
experts may spot behaviours that unsettle as well as my team of standards
verifiers smelling a rat.
It does not need to be anyone, occasionally it is, but when
two or more combine then an awarding body is obliged to ‘pop in’ and have a
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