Re reuse of a reused powerpoint slidedeck ...
Today I am presenting to some colleagues in a different faculty - it's ok, I have had my shots and promise to return safe and sound to the womb of my one true affiliation. Wit aside, I note that this slidedeck has undergone multiple iterations over the last two years. The topic is in demand, the venues differ - I have used it remotely more than once and face to face on a number of occasions.
The idea is evolving, yet the core deck remains the same. Each time, I alway sanity check the slides, tweak numbers and vary the first two slides, depending on my audience.
Kinda nice that the idea isn't a one hit, one deck wonder.
The idea is evolving, yet the core deck remains the same. Each time, I alway sanity check the slides, tweak numbers and vary the first two slides, depending on my audience.
Kinda nice that the idea isn't a one hit, one deck wonder.
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