There was a correlation there ...

Now it may be fluke, then it may not be, who could tell but in the last year of doing centre reviews. I have noticed when reading back over my reports and comparing them to centres who have been visited by ofsted afterwards.
  • The centre, I gave outstanding feedback to, interestingly gained a grade 1 (outstanding) two months later.
  • The centre, I ripped to pieces and for the sake of the students avoided blocking as the quality nominee was more realistic than their senior management team. Has recently been deemed as unsatisfactory [grade 4] by ofsted and is in special measures.
No, I do not believe that I possess soothsayer abilities. Both these centres were obvious, for the first they had the attitude to win and a can-do mentality. For the second, they were so absorbed in their own past that they could not see the present and what was around them.


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