Naming Routers ...
One of the pleasures bestowed when writing assignments and other assessments for any educational establishment is the freedom when designing the scenario. Having worked in a 'closed' institution, I could create any situation and assesses the students. However working for the Open University and other national entities the work I create has considerable reach ... where you are suddenly struck with the reality that anything copyrighted is out of bounds. To solve this, I use real places, stars, planets, mythology etc. Situations that are in the public domain and not subject to any intellectual ownership. The figure below, represents a network I use for one of our ongoing assignments. Do not worry, this version is two years old and a new version has already been created. A West Country Focussed Network At the moment I am using three towns and one city from my part of Somerset - I have used others, these are all quite close to each other. I know t...